Thursday, 29 June 2017

ToroDev in partnership with Bufunjo People ‘forum carried out field exercise to assess the performance of councillors & SMC members trained by ToroDev

Bufunjo people’ forum  interacted with  Bufunjo sub county  councilors who attended the training in March 2017 to assess how they are executing their roles since they were trained by ToroDev. The team also sampled four government aided primary schools in greater Bufunjo sub county Kyenjojo district to interact with head teachers mainly to assess the performance of PTA and SMCs members’ after they were trained by ToroDev in December 2016. The four schools included; Kitega, Kitabona, Mbale and Kagoma primary schools and the activity was conducted from 02nd - 05th  June 2017.  

The main focus of this field exercise was to assess  the performance of  Councillors of Bufunjo sub county Kyenjojo district  &  school  management committees in 4 schools including head teachers who attended the training of SMC and assess how they are executing their roles and responsibilities since the training and compare the situation now and how it was before the training”. Said Tumwesigye Andrew leader of Bufunjo people forum.

"The councilors are now actively participating in council sessions, budgeting and planning meetings at both district and sub county levels & active in their respective sectoral committees because they know their roles well since they were trained by ToroDev.”.  Said Hon  Businge  M Baguma Bufunjo subcounty during her interaction with the team 

"We are more knowledgeable of our roles now and we are not finding problems when it comes to planning for our people, we know how to conduct planning and  budgeting  meeting and how to present our issues/concerns during council meetings, were not like how we used to be before the training". Said  Agaba Emmauel Councillor Bufunjo during his interaction with the team 

Members are active in monitoring school projects, the work plans of teachers, the attendance of both teachers and pupils; this is observed through visitor’s book, each week we receive 1-2 member of both PTA&  SMC and this has surprised us because before the training in a term we could receive only a chairperson of SMC or PTA  committee but after the training the case is different because members are knowledgeable of their roles”. Said the head teacher of Kitega Primary School.

Kitega P.S head teacher added that the understanding of both PTA and School management committee member has greatly changed in the way that there is proper coordination and connection between the school and both members of PTA & SMC mainly because they now understand their roles and responsibilities much better.  Since the training I have not had any misunderstanding with committees, we are addressing challenges as a team and I do very much appreciate their efforts when it came to developing the school farm. 
Bufunjo People's forum & ToroDev staff members during SMC/PTA performance assessment exercise at Kitega P/S in Kyenjojo district
Both committees at school are functioning; we built a stronger team after the training to work things out with combined efforts.  I am happy that members of PTA and SMC are now coming up with excellent ideas to see that pupils start using school land to plant maize which will be used to make porridge for the pupils and to solve the issue of lack of lunch. I appreciate that the training was not a waste of time and money, it was to impact us and cause a change.” Said Tibaleka Beatrice deputy Head teacher Kagoma P.s during the follow up engagement with Members of Bufunjo People’ forum on 6th/ 6/2017.
Beatrice added  SMC executive of  Kagoma P.S is very  active in monitoring school projects which used not to be the case before the training , for example since  the beginning of first term  on 5th /2/-2017, they have visited the school 6 times compared to once or twice before the training.
Members have time for the  learners when they come to monitor the school, they take time and interact with learners, check their books, and  as a head teacher it really encourages me when learners openly share their challenges with the members which allows us to address these challenges as a team. Am happy the training opened the eyes of the SMC and PTA members, they now have a good working relationship with the school and we believe this year our candidates will perform  much better because of the way we are addressing key challenges together”. Head master Kagoma Primary school.
I acknowledge that PTA and School management committees of Kagoma, Kitega primary school and Kitabona primary schools, are active, this was observed through checking in their visitors books, attendance in the meetings and minutes record books for the current meetings held  comparing with previous books where members signed before the training. The number of members who visit these schools in a month is overwhelming compared to once or twice a term before the training”. Said  Tumwesigye Andrew chairperson  Bufunjo People forums during the field work exercise.
The coordinator Bufunjo People's forum Mr. Tumwesigye Andrew interacting with the Headteacher Kitabona P/S during the assessment/monitoring exercise
Andrew added I further discovered that there is team work among PTA and SMCs which will help in school performance, planning and budgeting of schools and this will raise the standards in schools and improve them.
However in Mbale primary school members are still very reluctant in executing their monitoring role apart from the chairperson. But as a head teacher I communicate with them on phone inquiring if they still want to serve as PTA & SMC members or soon we shall replace them.
We are grateful to SIDA, NED, DRT, CIPESA, SPIDER, and ICT4DEM for their financial and technical support


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