Monday 30 September 2013

Accountability programs improve service delivery in the Rwenzori Region

ToroDev initiated the on-job mentorship training for rural FM journalists/presenters in the Rwenzori region because radio remains the most accessible and cost effective traditional ICT tool in Uganda to mobilize the citizenry, engage their leaders for improved service delivery through virtual platforms in form of talk shows. Radio programs/discussions provide better ways to involve leaders for accountability and to demand for better service delivery from their local leaders.

 Mentors from Voice of Kamwenge lobbied for three (3) accountability programs that have enabled leaders to give accountability to the local people. “We lobbied for three (3) accountability programs known as Senjero, Farmers Forum and Parliament. During these programs, we host different leaders from the district and also members of parliament who are able to give accountability to the community, we also allow the local listeners to participate in the radio talk shows through call ins and using the SMS plat form”, said Ngabirano Gerevaziyo, a mentor at Voice of Kamwenge in Kamwenge District.

ToroDev's Recheal meets Muhumuza Godwin, a mentor at Voice of Kamwenge
Meanwhile, mentors in Kyenjojo District have also lobbied for accountability programs that have caused an impact especially in the Road Sector. “We used our skills to monitor the services that are delivered in our sub county by airing out issues on radio and asking the concerned leaders to intervene. Kyenjojo – Katooke – Kagadi Road was in a poor state and impassable during the rainy season, we discussed the issue on radio in the month of August and in September, the road was constructed”, said Ayesiga Deo of Kyenjojo FM in Kyenjojo District.

Mentors of Guide radio in Kasese District also opened up a plat form known as Rwenzururu Discussion Board on which the local community posts issues of service delivery in their different sub counties which are later aired out during the accountability programs.  “We used our skills to open up a plat form known as Rwenzururu Discussion Board that allows the community to post issues concerning their sub counties. Such issues are followed up and later aired on radio”, said Thembo Kahunge, a radio mentor at Guide Radio in Kasese District. 

Guide Radio's Thembo Kahunge shows ToroDev's Recheal Kogere the accountability issues posted by the community on the Rwenzururu Discussion Board.

Accountability programs on radio stations have brought local people on board to discuss service delivery and accountability issues in Kabarole District. “We lobbied for accountability programs like the Listeners Forum, Omunyayuganda  and  Akakekeyo programs. Great impact has been seen as a result of bringing people on board to discuss their service delivery issues during these programs. Kiguma Gravity Scheme in Butiiti Sub County Kyenjojo District has been worked on, two tanks have been delivered and toilets built at Rubango Primary School in Katooke Sub County, Kyenjojo District, among other impacts”, said Mukonyezi  Wlifred, a journalist at Better FM.

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