Tuesday, 17 January 2017

ToroDev Held Evaluation Talkshows on Hits Fm and Jubilee Radio on 14th and 15th January 2017 to reflect on the performance of the talkshows and plan with the listeners

ToroDev M&E team held evaluation talkshows to reflect on their performance receive independent feedback on the relevance from listeners; know their effectiveness, efficiency and consistency. The evaluation was carried out to enable the organization to learn internally by involving the primary stakeholders to give in their views and comments which can provide a learning room to improve the objectives of the radio talk shows.

Evaluation was held to gather information from the primary stakeholders, to measure to what degree the intervention was implemented according to the plan and how the intervention was received by the participants. These measures are typically the outputs of the activities; analyze information from the listeners about outcomes, challenges, solutions to the challenges and way forward. The purpose of the evaluation will help to make judgments about a program, to improve its effectiveness, and or to inform programming decision”. Said Amanya Sheila M&E officer ToroDev.

Shiela Amanya ToroDev M&E officer during the talkshow

Sheila added, the evaluation also aimed at knowing whether the aims of the radio talkshows have been achieved, what learning has taken place, and how. The team was to track what impact have the radio talkshows caused to the listeners and to their lives, their work and to their relationships to others, evaluation  provided the basis and information  for improvement, to determine the needs for modification and ultimately to lay the foundations for future planning.

The evaluation talkshows aimed at investigating whether the time, funds & efforts ToroDev invests in radio talkshows is worth it, collecting information from stakeholders on how to improve our radio programs, ascertaining whether ToroDev has achieved its intended outcomes from the talkshows, tracking impact and also identifying challenges and way forward. Said David Kugoza Documentation and communications officer ToroDev

David Kugonza ToroDev Documentation & Communications officer at Jubilee radio during the talkshow
 Much of the time was given to callers to call in and send SMS to share  their issues that can help us plan for improved accountability and service delivery.

During the evaluation talkshows, over 40 people called in and 25 sent SMS on Hits Fm and about 50 people called in during Jubilee radio evaluation talkshow. On Jubillee Fm out of 50 callers who called in 9 were women and listeners who called in were from the seven districts of the Rwenzori Region.  These are some of the issues the callers raised and commented;

The radio talkshows have increased participation of duty bearers of all levels  to give accountability for improved service delivery, at least a big number of MPS, district chairpersons & councilors at district & sub county levels have been hosted live which has improved the level of transparency”. Said,   Kamara   a caller from Kasunganyaja , Kabarole district during the radio talkshow on 105.6 Jubilee radio. 

There has been increased participation of us (local citizen) on these talkshows this has helped in informing leaders on the state of services in our respective communities and some act according to how we urge our case”. Said Kizito from Rwengaju, Kabarole district, during the radio talkshow on Hits Fm  

Rural debates have done great work in engaging women and their issues are captured, during the talkshow listeners requested ToroDev to hold more rural debates as the only way to bring more women on board”. Said Amanyire James caller from  Kyegegwa district during the talkshow on Jubilee radio.

“ToroDev sponsored talshows should continue bringing  duty bearers on radio programs from sub counties and  districts especially  duty bearers  like member of parliament from Mwenge North and Mwenge  central in  Kyenjojo  district  to give accountability  on what they have done so far and what they plan to do for our communities”. Said Kisembo Tadeo caller from Katooke Kyenjojo during the radio talkshow on 105.6 Jubilee radio
“ToroDev should help to translate the constitution of Uganda in the local languages whereby  right people should come on radio and educate us on what the constitution says about human rights, education, health, marriage, taxation etc”. Said Businge Bashil from Kisomoro Sub county Kabarole district during the radio talkshow on Hits Fm  

ToroDev staff  David Kugonza, Shiela Amanya &Anselm Amanyire at Hits Fm during the evaluation talkshow
“More information  and views should be gathered from the villages because people in villages are suffering a lot, no water, impassable roads, insufficient drugs in the health centers  so  I would suggest that ToroDev radio moderators should capture views from villages and host duty bearers to react on them and find positive solutions” Said Siseko Bagonza caller from Rwengaju, Busoro sub county, Kabarole district during the radio talkshow on 105.6 Jubilee radio
“ToroDev should continue holding accountability meetings in villages and invite duty bearers and technocrats to react on issues that are always discussed on radio talkshows”. Said Rosemary Balinda from Nyabukara, Kabarole district during the radio talkshow on Hits Fm  

“The radio talkskows should provide information related to innovation and entrepreneurship development to the youths and women so that they can develop their talents”. Said Nelson caller from Kyegegwa district during the radio talkshow on 105.6 Jubilee radio
“More duty bearer at the parliamentary level should be hosted with the local citizens to debate together and share issues live on radio and callers should also be involved in this debate”. Said Kahunde Saidat caller from Kamwenge district during the radio talkshow on Hits Fm  

“The radio talkshows have helped us the duty bearers to be very active and communicate to our people, I thank ToroDev for the good work they are doing to inform, educate and sensitive the community on their rights and laws”. Said Hon Roggers councilor Busoro sub county Kabarole district during the radio talkshow on 105.6 Jubilee radio
“More efforts should be put on following up issues that are always discussed on radio and see that positive results are achieved in the long run. So ToroDev should follow every issue discussed here and engage duty bearers to provide services”. Said Gilbert Rwaheru,   from Kichwamba subcounty Kabarole district during the radio talkshow on 105.6 Jubilee radio
The biggest number of callers suggested that ToroDev should continue with radio talkshows they have helped bridge a gap between  duty bearers and local citizens , the communication channel is clear now this has also improved transparency and accountability  hence improved service delivery in one way or the other and also hold community accountability  meetings at parish or sub county levels.
Listeners recommended that the talkshows should continue, the time should be increased  from 2 hours to 3 hours, duty bearers should also be followed up  in case they make  pledges on air, voices played should be responded to by the duty bearers, ToroDev should continue lobbying and building capacities of youths in economic development, more information should be shared on agriculture  development, employment creation, youth livelihood funds, women fund, etc  and more funds should be injected in accountability meetings and rural debates.

We thank SIDA, NED, SPIDER, ICT4DEM, CIPESA, Hits Fm , Jubilee fm  & all other development partners for the financial & technical support.

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